Water Skiing / Wakeboarding in the Turks and Caicos Islands
There are many types of “on top of the water” activities. Wakeboarding – Riding a board (feet secured) while being towed behind a boat; Wakeskating – Riding a board without foot bindings being towed behind a boat; Wakesurfing – Riding free in the wake of a boat on a specialized board; Waterskiing – Skiing on water skis while being towed behind a boat; Barefooting – Waterskiing without waterskiis! And finally, Tubing – Being towed behind a boat in an inflatable tube.
Doug Barefooting. Photo provided by Nautique Sports.
Skiing in Turks and Caicos is the ultimate! Miles and miles of gorgeous “glass-like” turquoise water, white sand beaches and very little boat traffic makes this destination a top choice in the world. Providenciales (Provo) allows so much variety for the tourist and residents wanting to get out there and rip up the glass!
Wakeboarding. Photo provided by Nautique Sports.
The water skiing and wakeboarding techniques taught in the TCI are the most up to date and advanced in the Caribbean market. Nautique Sports exclusively uses Mastercraft from Mastercraft and Edgewater of Turks and Caicos. A boom system is used on their ski specific boat where the student can learn while holding on to a fixed bar to the boat and only being 7 feet from the coach. From there, a 7 to 10 foot rope is added to the boom, giving the skier the experience of trying to balance themselves while being on the rope.
Two man tubing ride. Photo provided by Nautique Sports.
Finally the skier advances to the long line behind the boat and 95 percent of the time, gets up on the very first pull. “This has totally revolutionized our industry”, states Doug Camozzi, “what was once very frustrating and challenging to new students, has become a method of learning and excitement”. Wakeboarding and wakeskating are taught with the exact same progression method, thus allowing the rider to advance with confidence.
Skiing, Riding, Snorkelling or Footin’ on or in the waters of the Turks and Caicos is truly a wonderful experience. Come discover a new world for yourself and try out a new sport or re-visit an old one.